Types Of Goth

What type of Goth are you ?

Here at Punk Rave, we're all about celebrating alternative cultures and individuality though amazing clothes,and what subculture is more diverse than the Gothic movement ?

Through many substyles dating from as far back as the 80's to more recent types, we'll tell you all about what's going on in Gothic fashion at the minute.

Trad Goth - Deathrock

This Gothic substyle originates from the 80's in the UK, right when the Punk scene was starting to fizzle out in London and eminent figures of the Gothic movement were coming to light, such as Siouxsie Sioux from Siouxsie and the Banshees or Nik Fiend from Alien Sex Fiend.

Think heavy punk inspiration from the ripped fishnets to the mohawks, with a heavy dose of darkness : corsets, all black clothes & hair.

Romantic Goth – Victorian Vampire

Drawing inspiration from from the late 1800's with references to mourning clothing – romantic goth comes as the exact opposite of traditional goth, prefering long intricate gowns, coats, velvet and veils to the Punk inspired fishnets & studs.

While traditional goth tends to favour a very androgynous look with few differences between male and female attire, romatic goth shows a clear division – as it did in those olden times.

Women will favour long dresses and skirts, cinch their waists with black corsets and carry gloves, fans and parasols. Men will often keep their hair long, wear long coats with vests paired with simple trousers.

This substyles is also inspired by movies such as Interview with a Vampire, it is not uncommon to see fangs or contacts worn as additions to the look !

Cybergoth - Industrial

The cybergoth style didn't appear until the 90's and made a significant impact with it's mix of black & neon colors ! This form of Goth referes to a high-tech, post-apocalyptic future. Think LED's, cybernetics, respirators... The biohazard symbol is highly featured in this substyle so behind a very rave-y style might lie a form of social commentary about technology and it's hasards ?

Googles, platform boots, vinyl and hairpieces of dreads and tubing are a staple in this style on men and women alike. Usually a cybergoth outfit consists of all black clothing with one bright accent color.

The industrial substyle has similar codes but takes a more pessimistic outlook on the futurist inspiration – it takes a more distopian turn as we'll frequently see elements taken from the military wardrobe, from combat boots to cargo pants. 

Gothic lolita

Gothic Lolita is a type of Gothic movement that originated in Japan and quickly gained traction all over the world ! Mana, a former member of the visual-kei 80's band Malice Mizer spearheaded this substyle with his widely popular brand Moi-Meme-Moitie.

Gothic Lolita is debated as a type, but has close ties and relations to the style due to the black, ruffled, lacy dresses and accessories. Gothic Lolita girls will try to emulate a “porcelain doll” look, wearing elaborate dresses with petticoats along with stockings and mary-jane shoes. Bonnets, chockers, suffed animals & lacy parasols are common accessories for the Gothic Lolita to wear.

Fetish Goth

The Fetish subculture was always very close to the to the Goth movement, but some people like to step it up a notch. This substyle of Goth came about by people who liked wearing more leather, PVC and BDSM themed clothes. Fetish Goths will enjoy big boots & heels, tight vynil or leather clothing such as skin-tight pants and corsets. Chokers are a staple for the perfect Fetish Goth outfit.

However – don't be mistaken. Fetish Goths might not be that freaky in the bedroom... it could just be an aesthetic they enjoy, so hands off !

Baby Bat

Baby Bat” might not be a fully coined sub-style of Goth, but it absolutely deserves it's place here as they have a very distinctive look.

It's a term typically used by “more experienced” Goth to describe teens who are just starting their spooky adventures. They usually dress in a darker version of metal/skater fashion, think leather jackets, band tees ( Slipknot, KoRn or Manson being amongst their favorites !) and cargo pants/mini skirts with chains and straps galore. Accessories often include studded belts, fingerless gloves and arm warmers.

Many teens have started to reclaim the “ Baby Bat” ( also called “Mall Goth” or “ Mansonite”) look, which is currently trending again on social media apps such as TikTok.